Peacock’s new comedy series Laid is a messy, fun delight. Stephanie Hsu stars as Ruby Yao, a 33-year-old woman whose romantic past comes back to haunt her when she realizes every person she has ever slept with is dying. With the help of her true crime-obsessed best friend (played by Girls star Zosia Mamet), Ruby finds herself racing against the odds to warn every person from her past – whether they want to hear from her or not. Hsu does an impeccable job of playing Ruby, who by all means is an undeniably selfish and self-centered person, masked by a bubbly and flirty personality that she turns on whenever a handsome 30-something-year-old man enters the vicinity. This journey may be forcing her to reckon with the worst parts of herself but that doesn’t necessarily mean she’s ready to make amends for her crimes. Laid is a very contemporary and timely comedy with a complicated main character whose flaws are apparent to everyone but herself, played impeccably well by Hsu who can switch up on the drop of a dime. It also features a stellar cast outside of Mamet and Hsu – Michael Angarano stars in a supporting role, while Josh Segarra and Simu Liu also make appearances.